Why is January 1, 1970, the "Epoch Time"?

Unix/Epoch Time now:

The concept of "epoch time" is fundamental in the world of computer science and programming. It serves as a reference point for measuring time and date values in a consistent and standardized manner. While it might seem arbitrary to use January 1, 1970, as the starting point for counting seconds, this date holds historical significance and practical advantages in the computing world.

Explore the historical origins and significance of "epoch time" in our latest article. Learn why January 1, 1970, was chosen as the reference point for measuring time in the world of computing. Discover the practical advantages and consistency that this date offers to developers and programmers. From Unix's early days to its widespread adoption across various platforms and programming languages, epoch time simplifies timekeeping, allowing for straightforward calculations and comparisons. Uncover the legacy of Unix time and its enduring impact on modern software development. If you've ever wondered why 1970 is the epoch time, this article provides a comprehensive explanation of its historical roots and the pivotal role it plays in the world of computer science.

1. Historical Origins

The choice of January 1, 1970, as the epoch time has its roots in the early days of computer programming. Unix, one of the most influential operating systems in the history of computing, was developed at AT&T's Bell Labs in the late 1960s and early 1970s. When Unix was being designed, a decision was needed on how to represent and calculate time. The Unix team settled on the idea of measuring time as the number of seconds that had elapsed since midnight on January 1, 1970, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

This choice of date was partly practical since it was before the advent of Unix, providing a clean and consistent starting point for measuring time across different systems and devices.

2. Simplicity and Consistency

The use of January 1, 1970, as the epoch time simplifies timekeeping across various platforms and programming languages. By establishing a common reference point, it allows for consistent calculations of time intervals and comparisons. Developers from different parts of the world and different programming languages can communicate and work with time values without worrying about timezone differences, daylight saving time, or other complexities.

Moreover, expressing time as a continuous count of seconds from the epoch time makes it easy to perform mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, and comparison, which are essential in many programming tasks.

3. Unix Time and POSIX Standards

The concept of epoch time as implemented in Unix is often referred to as "Unix time." Unix time has become a standard in the computing industry and is widely used in various operating systems, databases, and programming languages. The POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) standard, which defines a set of APIs for Unix-like operating systems, also adopts the epoch time as its reference point for measuring time.

The Unix time format is based on a 32-bit or 64-bit signed integer, depending on the implementation, representing the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. This allows Unix time to cover a broad range of dates, from 1901 to 2038 (for 32-bit Unix time) and centuries beyond (for 64-bit Unix time), making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

4. Legacy and Tradition

The longevity and widespread use of Unix and Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, have contributed to the enduring popularity of the epoch time. Over the years, countless applications, databases, and systems have been developed around Unix time. As a result, it has become deeply ingrained in the software development landscape and is unlikely to be replaced as the standard reference point for measuring time in the near future.


The choice of January 1, 1970, as the "epoch time" has historical significance, practical advantages, and a long legacy in the world of computing. It provides a consistent and standardized reference point for measuring time and date values, enabling interoperability across various platforms and programming languages. As the foundation of Unix time and POSIX standards, the epoch time is a testament to the enduring impact of early computing decisions and continues to be an integral part of modern software development.


  1. The Unix Timekeeping System, IEEE Computer Society
  2. "Epoch (computing)" on Wikipedia
  3. "Unix Time" on Wikipedia